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The Book


The path to enlightenment is Long. The book of mistakes is thick. The desires can draw a masterpiece of stars in the sky. The tears of pain can fill an ocean. No matter what, we stand composed … Assured that tomorrow will be different, better, or remain the same amazing way it was…. because it WILL… Faith has the power to make these miracles come true.

Come and discover a path I didn’t walk alone… conclusions I didn’t create on my own… Come and discover a piece of my heart that was created from your lives.

Inspiring quotes…lessons learned… Raw truths… All wrapped by LOVE and FORGIVENESS … First for yourself and then for others, because we are worth it, because we are precious in the eyes of the True Perfection.


Coming Up : Dec 2022

A body bleeds of cuts..
a heart bleeds of pain
but love heals all…
and so the heart bleeds of love.

A journey in the memory lane of one little girl
that swallowed darkness, but spilled light…
that experienced pain, but spoke of forgiveness …
that loved… beyond reasons